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Insight #2

Connecting better by working in groups

In order to help solve the problem and address the factors that contribute to it, Workshop Girls has focused on 3 insights regarding the issue. 


The second one addresses the fact that girls need more access to workspaces that can encourage female friendship and partnership.

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Strategy #2

Workshop Girls Maker Truck

Safe introductory workshops administered by qualified female instructors! We come to you to teach you some awesome maker skills. Join us and see where our Maker Truck will pop up next.

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Truck Workshop Girls_Summer 2018_Week 06
Truck Workshop Girls_Summer 2018_Week 06
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Truck Workshop Girls_Summer 2018_Week 06
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In order to help solve the problem and address the factors that contribute to it, Workshop Girls has focused on 3 insights regarding the issue. 


The last insight addresses the fact that girls need more directed materials that can encourage them to keep interested in making and building.

Girls lose interest in making as they get older

Insight #3

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Strategy #3

Project Guide for Teen Girls

A quick step-by-step book of maker projects directed at girls to not only spark their curiosity but also keep them engaged in the world of building and making. 


Make It Yourself is a curated collection of maker projects in the shape of a project guide.The guide book is presented as a series with three Make It Yourself Project Guides that present different activities depending on different levels of knowledge of skills and making.

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